Friday, April 23, 2010

Seminar Response

Among the participants in our recently-completed seminar on Prayer and Worship was a group of elders from First Presbyterian Church of Tulsa.  Tim and Matt had the opportunity to fly there twice to interact with them in person.  Here is what their senior pastor, Dr. Jim Miller, had to say about the experience:
The Ancient Christian Faith Initiative invites Christians to take the blessings of our heritage seriously.  Reading, pondering, and praying over the writings of early Church leaders is a powerful antidote to the shallow spiritualities of our own day.  Timothy Becker and Matthew Bell, both Ph.D. candidates in Patristics, have the rare gift of leading twenty-first century disciples of Jesus into the writings and lessons of ancient Christian faith.

As part of our new elder development ministry, First Presbyterian Church, Tulsa, invited Tim and Matt to lead us on an eight-week series, diving deep into the pool of ancient Christian witness.  This was completely new terrain for most of these First Church leaders.  But the experience was rich and fruitful at so many different levels.

With enthusiasm and confidence I am happy to recommend the Ancient Christian Faith Initiative to local congregations.